Monday, October 13, 2014

Take your 10 minutes

Is it ironic that library school has resulted in less time to read? Or at least, read what I WANT to read rather than just what I should read.

Long ago, I used to have a pretty good routine. I would make sure that I read for a minimum of at least 10 minutes before going to bed. However, those measly 10 minutes were lost as the craziness of life stepped in and overtook that small amount of time.

As librarians, we often emphasize the importance of daily reading, even just 10 minutes, especially to younger readers. But the problem is, we often forget as adults just how impactful those 10 minutes can be to us! Just as we teach our youth the importance of everyday exposure to reading, we should also be embracing that time to enrich our own lives.

So, take 10 minutes. Maybe it's in the morning with your coffee. Maybe it's alongside your children as they read. Or maybe it's that late night, cherished 10 minutes when the rest of the world has already embraced slumber.

Whatever it is, just do it.

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