Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Stop! Now Read.....

Back in high school, we had this thing where the school would stop for about 10 minutes or so and everyone in the school would stop whatever they were doing and read.

What a concept, huh?

In your gym class? You stopped running and read.
In math? You put down that calculator and read.
Drivers Ed? Well, I'm not sure how that worked, but you get my meaning....

The entire school came together for a few minutes and read. When I was the student, it meant I got out of schoolwork for a few minutes and I loved it. But as an adult, as someone who wants to go into education, specifically library and media, well....I think about it a little differently. Yes, we spent a little time exposing ourselves to literature. But really, the big picture of it all, was we spent time reading together. Everyone! Students, teachers, administrators...the act of reading, not just the literature itself, unified us.We talk about the power of words and the impact of literature, but when people are able to share those experiences together, not just alone, it creates a sense of importance to an act that we often don't get to experience.

There are some days, when I'm at work, when I just wish that announcement would come over the intercom. Maybe one day, it will again.

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